Prof. Dr. Yunus Aydın Blog

Yunus Aydin; With its rich knowledge and experience in the field of brain, nerve and spinal cord surgery, it provides reliable guidance on health by offering individual and innovative treatment solutions to its patients. You can find the most up-to-date information about spinal cord, brain and nerve health and get detailed information about treatment options.

Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM)

İntrakraniyal Arteriovenöz Malformasyonlar (AVM)

Treatment Strategies and Key Points Intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are among the lesions that are difficult to treat in neurosurgical practice. The main goal is to eliminate the risk of serious bleeding and progressive neurological deterioration. The location, size and venous drainage of the AVM are graded with the Spetzler-Martin Scale. Treatment Options: Surgical Embolization (in case of necessity before surgery) Radiosurgery The gold standard is microsurgical removal of AVM...

What is the epidural injection method in the treatment of lumbar herniation?

Bel fıtığı tedavisinde epidural enjeksiyon yöntemi nedir?

It is an alternative for those who do not have a neurological disorder and do not have the patience or time for bed rest. I wouldn't recommend it fervently. It is not recommended for people with nerve damage. When we feel pain, the mechanism that protects the nerve preserves its effects. It is our protective reflex that cleans us not to suffer, but to find care for our nervous problems. Eliminating the cause of pain or relieving it with medication does not mean treatment. Especially when you're angry...

What are the symptoms of a herniated disc?

Bel fıtığının belirtileri nelerdir?

The symptoms of lumbar herniation vary depending on the level of the herniation. Initially, when the weakened and narrowed annulus is subjected to pressure, the pain-sensitive nerves inside it are stimulated, and our brain perceives the incident as 'lower back pain.' At this stage, there are no symptoms related to the nerve because the gap between the disc and the nerve passing behind it is not filled. When this gap is filled, and the nerve is compressed, the protective alarm of our body's most important organ, the nerves, is activated, and now we experience intense pain along a specific path in the arm or leg. This pain is a severe condition, often referred to by our grandparents as 'sciatica.' Initially, our body's protective reflexes kick in with the pain: it finds the position with the least pressure on the nerve and tightens the muscles to hold us in that position. If this contraction persists, we also feel pain due to the bloodless contracted muscle, which is regional pain consistent with the contracted muscle.

How does lumbar herniation occur?

Bel fıtığı nasıl oluşur?

The phenomenon of an organ exceeding its own boundaries and being displaced into the space of a neighboring organ is generally called 'hernia' in medicine. The pulley that contains your vertebrae, made of solid ligament structure, has a special nucleus within the structure called "anulus". The internal structure of this cell is both the adhesive it contains and the cartilage of the upper and lower spine.

Does Bed Rest Work for Lumbar Herniation?

Bel fıtığında yatak istirahati işe yarar mı?

For those with a lumbar herniation below the intermediate level, the most suitable and effective treatment is strict bed rest, excluding bathroom breaks and meals. In patients with lumbar herniation, the weight of the body above the herniation level increases the pressure on the nerve, causing more damage while standing or sitting. For example, in an 80-kilogram patient, 45-50 kilograms of pressure is applied to the herniated disc. Bed rest relieves the disc from this weight, allowing it to relax, and reduces pressure on the nerve. After a while, the displaced nerve segment moves away, and the patient's complaints diminish. Rest is a kind of natural and cost-free physical therapy method for our body.

Does endoscopic surgery give results in herniated disc?

Bel fıtığında endoskopik cerrahi sonuç verir mi?

Although it seems to be advantageous as it allows working through a 1 cm hole, there is a high probability of the hernia recurrence in the future as it only removes the part that protrudes. Proponents of this technique draw a parallel between disc surgery and dental treatment and argue that surgery can be performed again when necessary. It has no superiority over the microsurgery method we apply, and working with a three-dimensional image through a microscope is also...

Prof. dr. What is the technique used by Yunus Aydın for herniated disc?

Prof.Dr. Yunus Aydın’ın bel fıtığında uyguladığı teknik nedir?

In 1990, we started to use the operating microscope on patients with lumbar disc herniation, and we stayed with him in Zürich at the time, our teacher, Prof., who is the source of pride for all of us. Dr. After watching M Gazi Yaşargil's videos on this subject, I made my own changes on this subject. Unlike the classical technique, I preserved the structure called "ligamentum flavum", which connects the posterior elements of our spine, during the surgery and did not remove it....
