The symptoms of lumbar herniation vary depending on the level of the herniation. Initially, when the weakened and narrowed is subjected to pressure, the pain-sensitive nerves inside it are stimulated, and our brain perceives the incident as 'lower back pain.' At this stage, there are no symptoms related to the nerve because the gap between the disc and the nerve passing behind it is not filled. When this gap is filled, and the nerve is compressed, the protective alarm of our body's most important organ, the nerves, is activated, and now we experience intense pain along a specific path in the arm or leg. This pain is a severe condition, often referred to by our grandparents as 'sciatica.' Initially, our body's protective reflexes kick in with the pain: it finds the position with the least pressure on the nerve and tightens the muscles to hold us in that position. If this contraction persists, we also feel pain due to the bloodless contracted muscle, which is regional pain consistent with the contracted muscle.


Symptoms vary depending on the level of the herniated disc. When the pulley, which initially weakens and becomes thinner, is exposed to pressure, our brain perceives the event as 'lower back pain' by stimulating the pain-sensing nerves inside it. At this stage, since the space between the pulley and the nerve passing behind it is not filled, there are no signs of the nerve. When this space is filled and the nerve is put under pressure, the alarm to protect the nerves, the most important organ of our body, is activated and the sound of the drum becomes louder, and we feel severe pain along a line in the arm or leg where the nerve is responsible. This pain is a severe pain that our grandmothers say 'I have sciatica'. First of all, our protective reflexes in our body begin to fight against pain: they find the position where the nerve is under the least pressure and contract the muscles to keep us in this position. If this contraction is prolonged, we also experience pain caused by the contracted muscle that remains bloodless, and this is regional pain compatible with the contracted muscle.

As a result, it first starts as lower back pain, and then a picture emerges that causes pain in the waist that spreads to the leg, in the neck to the arm, and distorts the shape of the colors reflexively. If the herniation is small and there is a gap in the width of the nerves, the incident can be overcome without disruption of nerve functions with simple rest and without disrupting the blood supply of the nerve. Cutting off the protective system of the basic device on the nerve, not allowing enough blood to supply the nerve to be cut off from the capillaries, this time the isolation of the nerves and malfunctioning problems occur: Numbness and loss of strength are the most common problems. If a solution is achieved at this stage, the damage will be temporary and the nerve reorganization will be restored. Therefore, if the event is prolonged, anemia will irreversibly damage the internal state of the nerve and the damage will be permanent. For example, if the ankle has fallen and a certain amount of time has passed, the damage will be permanent even if the pressure is removed by surgery. The neurosurgeon's job is to prevent this poor performance. This task is difficult because simultaneously with the doctor's treatment, the subject must also face the neighbor's misdirections. You will often come across news in the most prestigious newspapers and television channels of the country with the leadership saying 'Herniated disc operations are banned in America'. Although it is stated in the article about the story that 4-5% of the patients undergo surgery, this detailed capture capacity is not the target audience anyway. The easiest pain is the pain suffered by someone else. Since lumbar disc herniation is a common and unique human possibility, people from all walks of life have an opinion about this issue, even if they hear about it by hearsay. Like those who fall from a tree, everyone who has experienced hernia is now an expert on this subject. Today's internet dumping opportunities are grist to the mill.
